
General Guidelines

Owning trademarks, logos, taglines, slogans, graphics, and other intellectual property (collectively, "Brand Assets") that are essential to our business and identity is owned by Digitalforms.ai and its affiliates. The proper use of Digitalforms.ai's trademarks to identify our goods and services is outlined in these rules. Usage done correctly preserves communication clarity and brand integrity.

Other Uses


  • Please fill out a Brand Asset Licence Request if you would like to use any of our other brand assets, such as a logo.
  • Please go over (i) your Digitalforms.ai agreement and (ii) the Brand Asset Licence if you take part in a Digitalforms.ai  Partnership Programme or develop/support an integration with Digitalforms.ai services that are subject to the Developer Terms & Conditions. Certain Brand Assets may already permit you to use them. 

Guidelines - Do’s:

  • Use the trademarks of Digitalforms.ai to refer to any of our related goods or services.
  • When mentioning our trademarks for the first time, and every time after that, follow them with a suitable generic word.
  • When our trademarks occur in text for the first time and as often as is practical after that, display the right trademark symbol (™).
  • Make sure that all trademarks belonging to Digitalforms.ai are spelt and capitalised correctly.

Guidelines - Don’ts:

  • The trademarks of Digitalforms.ai should not be used in a way that implies support, connections, or promotion from Digitalforms.ai.
  • Use our trademarks as part of any other company name, product name, domain name, publication name, social media account name, trademark, logo, or merger.
  • any manner of change or tamper with our trademarks.
  • Please use our trademarks as possessive forms, verbs, or nouns.
  • Make any derogatory, unlawful, or defamatory use of our trademarks.
  • Imitate the trade dress and design cues that make Digitalforms.ai stand out.

These guidelines outline acceptable use of our services, aligning with our Sites & Services Terms and Conditions and Service Schedule. They ensure that all users have a clear understanding of their responsibilities