
Brand Asset Guidelines

Trademarks, logos, slogans, taglines, graphics, and other identifiers that are essential to Digitalforms.ai's brand and economic performance are owned by the company and its affiliates. Here are the Brand Asset Guidelines ("Guidelines") that we have prepared to protect these assets. In addition to outlining appropriate usage procedures, they identify the permitted uses of Digitalforms.ai Brand Assets.

Approved Usage:

  • Digitalforms.ai Brand Assets may only be used with specific authorisation or permission.
  • Make sure that all usage follows these guidelines and is properly attributed.
  • It is completely forbidden to make unauthorised changes or modifications to our brand assets.

Periodically, these Guidelines may be updated. To make sure you are adhering to our current policies, please review them frequently. Please email us at brand@digitalforms.ai with any questions or requests for authorisation.

Corporate Logo

At Digitalforms.ai, our corporate logo indicates our dedication to form management innovation, efficiency, and simplicity. The logo, which was intended to showcase our cutting-edge methodology and user-centric philosophy, stands for our commitment to revolutionising the creation, administration, and analysis of forms across many industries. We offer the logo in both black and white for maximum impact and visibility. To ensure clarity and legibility, use the white version on dark backgrounds and the black version on bright backgrounds. For on-screen applications, our logos are offered in RGB colour formats (JPG, PNG, and SVG), which are designed to satisfy different design requirements and guarantee platform uniformity.


Clear Space: For the logo to be seen and have an impact in all conversations, leave enough space around it. Visual centering the logo inside its bounding box is important. A stroke at the trim should show where there is clear space. In clean space calculations, the symbol ® is not included.


Placement: Make sure the logo of Digitalforms.ai appears in portions of marketing materials that are contextually relevant, keeping it away from rival logos such as Adobe Sign. Don't change the colours, typeface, or size relationships of the logo to preserve its integrity. To maintain the logo's visual clarity and brand coherence, avoid stretching, compressing, or superimposing it on cluttered backgrounds.

These guidelines provide instructions on the proper use of Digitalforms.ai brand assets. They are designed to be used in conjunction with our Intellectual Property policy and Digitalforms.ai Brand Asset License Request.