
Brand Asset License Request

1. Overview

Digitalforms.ai ("Digitalforms.ai", "we", "our", "us") values its brand assets, including logos, trademarks, and other intellectual property, which are essential to maintaining brand integrity and consistency. This Brand Asset License Request outlines the process for requesting and obtaining permission to use Digitalforms.ai brand assets.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all external parties, including partners, suppliers, and third-party entities, seeking to use Digitalforms.ai brand assets in marketing materials, promotional campaigns, publications, or any other form of communication.

3. Policy Statements

  • Authorization Requirement: External parties must obtain explicit authorization from Digitalforms.ai before using any Digitalforms.ai brand assets. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
  • License Request Process: To request a license to use Digitalforms.ai brand assets, external parties must submit a formal request to Digitalforms.ai. Requests should include details such as the specific brand assets requested, intended use, duration of use, and any proposed modifications (if applicable).
  • Approval Process: Digitalforms.ai will review each request on a case-by-case basis. Approval is contingent upon compliance with our brand guidelines, alignment with our brand values, and adherence to legal requirements.
  • Usage Guidelines: Approved license holders are required to adhere to Digitalforms.ai's brand guidelines and usage policies. This includes maintaining the integrity and visual consistency of our brand assets in all communications.
  • Termination of License: Digitalforms.ai reserves the right to terminate or revoke any license granted for the use of our brand assets at any time and for any reason. License holders must cease use of our brand assets immediately upon notification of termination.

4. Responsibilities

  • Requesting Parties: External parties requesting a license for Digitalforms.ai brand assets are responsible for providing accurate information and complying with all terms and conditions outlined in the approved license agreement.
  • Digitalforms.ai: We are responsible for reviewing license requests in a timely manner, communicating approval or denial decisions, and providing guidance on proper usage of our brand assets.

5. Compliance

  • Failure to comply with this Brand Asset License Request policy may result in legal action and other remedies available under applicable law.

6. Communication

  • Digitalforms.ai communicates its Brand Asset License Request policy to external parties through our official website, communications channels, and directly to relevant stakeholders as necessary.

7. Review and Update

  • This Brand Asset License Request policy is reviewed periodically by Digitalforms.ai to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Updates may be made to reflect changes in our brand asset usage guidelines or business practices.

8. Approval

  • This Brand Asset License Request policy has been approved by [Insert Name and Position of Approving Authority] and is effective from [Insert Effective Date].

This Brand Asset License Request policy ensures that the use of Digitalforms.ai brand assets by external parties is managed in a structured and compliant manner, preserving the integrity and value of our brand across all interactions and communications.

To use our brand assets, users must follow the procedures outlined in the Digitalforms.ai Brand Asset License Request section. This policy ensures compliance with our Brand Asset Guidelines and protects our intellectual property.