
DMCA Complaint

We protect intellectual property rights here at Digitalforms.ai. You can file a DMCA complaint with our assigned agent for speedy action if you think that your copyright has been violated using our platform. In your notification, kindly provide the following details:

  1. Name, address, phone number, and email address are among the details of your contact information.
  2. An explanation of the copyrighted work you allege has been violated.
  3. identifying the content that has to be deleted or accessed restricted because it is allegedly infringing or the target of infringing activities.
  4. a declaration that the copyright owner, its agent, or the law does not permit the use of the content in the way that you have good faith believe it does.
  5. a declaration that, under penalty of perjury, you are permitted to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated and that the information in the notification is true.

Notify our assigned Copyright Agent at support@digitalforms.ai by sending your message. We shall respond appropriately to a legitimate DMCA complaint by informing the uploader and deleting or blocking access to the allegedly infringing content. We are dedicated to upholding and safeguarding the rights to intellectual property on our platform.

Effective Notifications of Claimed Infringement

If you would like to report a suspected copyright infringement on Digitalforms.ai, kindly provide the following details:

  1. a signature, either digital or real, from a representative with the legal authority to act on behalf of the copyright holder.
  2. the name of the copyrighted work that is allegedly being infringed upon, or a representative list in the case of numerous works.
  3. Identifying the content that is purportedly violating or the target of infringement activities, with the intention of removing it or blocking access to it, as well as providing reasonable enough details to enable Digitalforms.ai to find the content.
  4. Details such as phone number, email address, and address are considered fairly sufficient to enable Digitalforms.ai to get in touch with the person who filed the complaint.
  5. A declaration that the person filing the complaint believes, in good faith, that the copyright owner, its agent, or the law has not granted permission for the content to be used in the way that it has.
  6. Verification that the notification's contents are true and, under penalty of perjury, an acknowledgement that the complaining party is permitted to act on behalf of the allegedly violated owner of an exclusive right.

Our DMCA Complaint procedure provides a clear process for reporting copyright infringements. This section supports our Intellectual Property policy, ensuring that all reported issues are handled promptly and fairly.

Please send your notification to our Copyright Agent at: 

Digitalforms.ai Copyright Agent Level 

1, 73 Malop Street, Geelong, 3220 

Email: support@Digitalforms.com 

Phone: (+61)459230261

We treat legitimate reports of infringement of intellectual property rights seriously and will respond to them right away.