
Code of Conduct

We at Digitalforms.ai maintain the greatest levels of professionalism, decency, and respect. Our Code of Conduct acts as a foundation for all community interactions, making sure that everyone is in a constructive and happy atmosphere. Through their usage of our platform, users consent to observe ethical standards, communicate courteously, and preserve others' privacy. To promote a climate of confidence and cooperation, we expect every member to act honourably, openly, and responsibly. Discipline up to and including suspension or termination of access may follow any breach of these guidelines. Please get in touch with our support staff directly if you have any particular questions about billing or account modifications. Our goal is to provide a secure, welcoming, and creative community where everyone can grow and add to the success of Digitalforms.ai.

Our Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behavior expected from our employees, contractors, and partners. This includes compliance with our Data Protection and Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement policies.

Our Pledge

We at Digitalforms.ai promise to provide an environment that values and welcomes all individuals. Regardless of age, physical appearance, caste, colour, religion, sexual orientation, experience level, education, socioeconomic status, nationality, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, body size, visible or invisible disability, or any other factor, we are dedicated to making sure that our platform is free from harassment and discrimination.

All of our leaders, team members, and contributors are committed to creating a safe and open space for everyone to participate. We commit to acting and interacting in a way that fosters a community that is friendly, inclusive, diverse, and well-being. We want to enable every user to perform at their highest level and make a significant contribution to our common objectives by upholding these ideals. Come along with us at Digitalforms.ai as we create a welcoming, inventive, and encouraging ecology.

Our Standards

Respect and Equality

Show empathy and respect to each member. It will not be accepted to engage in any kind of harassment, discrimination, or improper behaviour. Negative language and topics should be avoided when having constructive interactions.

Legal Compliance

Respect all relevant laws and rules. Never distribute content that is illegal or protected by copyright, nor take part in actions that risk the security of others by distributing viruses or unapproved software.

Focus and Relevance

Keep the conversation focused. Don't stray from the topic of conversation at hand. To keep the atmosphere pleasant and constructive, off-topic posts could be deleted.

Non-Commercial Use

Our site is not meant for business use; rather, it is a place for cooperation and assistance. Ads for goods, services, or other forums should be avoided.

Privacy Protection

Preserve private data. Never disclose someone else's or your personal information without their clear approval.

Single Account Policy

To maintain transparency and confidence in the community, each user should only have one account. Removal of multiple accounts is possible.

Moderator Authority

Observe our moderators' decisions. Any measures done to guarantee a satisfying community experience are conclusive. Contact moderators privately with any problems.

Community Spirit

Encourage a pleasant atmosphere by compassionately responding to others, providing constructive feedback, and emphasising group development and advancement.

Examples of behaviour that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:

  • promoting cooperation and helping other users, encouraging a sense of teamwork.
  • celebrating a range of viewpoints and concepts, enhancing dialogue and methods of problem-solving.
  • Giving others honest, helpful criticism so they can do better at what they do and advance their careers.
  • honest in a confession of error and active in finding a quick, respectful solution.
  • putting our community's progress and well-being ahead of personal gain.

Examples of unacceptable behaviour include:

  • making discriminatory statements or acts that violate other people's respect and dignity.
  • intentionally spreading false information or causing unnecessary controversy.
  • constantly terrifying or harassing someone, whether in private or in public.
  • disclosing personal data without express authorisation is a violation of user privacy.
  • utilising our position to further divisive causes or for personal benefit, which undermines the unity and goals of our community.

Enforcement Responsibilities

Keeping a welcoming and positive community is a top concern at Digitalforms.ai. To maintain a polite and effective environment for all users, it is the responsibility of our community staff to interpret and enforce our rules of acceptable behaviour. They possess the authority to implement just and suitable corrective actions in reaction to any behaviour they consider unsuitable, harmful, or objectionable.

The power to remove, modify, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki revisions, issues, and other contributions that go against our code of conduct rests with the community leaders at Digitalforms.ai. They pledge to communicate the rationale behind any moderation measures in an unbiased and open manner. By keeping these standards high, we hope to promote a creative and cooperative community that helps each member succeed and grow.


This Code of Conduct describes what is expected of participants in all community spaces run by Digitalforms.ai, including any interactions in which users publicly represent our platform. This covers participating as a representative in online or offline events, using specified accounts to communicate on social media, and using official channels for communication. Our area of influence includes creating a polite, welcoming atmosphere where dissenting opinions are valued and fruitful conversation thrives. It applies to every user using our platform, regardless of whether they are integrating, administering, or creating forms. By following these rules, we hope to maintain professional standards, encourage teamwork, and make sure that every encounter demonstrates our dedication to excellence and cutting-edge form management solutions.


Any kind of aggressive, harassing, or otherwise inappropriate behaviour within our community is strictly prohibited at Digitalforms.ai. Reporting incidents of this kind of behaviour is important so that they can be looked into and dealt with quickly. Users can pick the "Report" option after navigating to the appropriate form or content, providing the information our team needs to review. Our team guarantees an impartial and exhaustive investigative process and treats all reports with the highest secrecy. Respect and professionalism are the norm in this secure and welcoming atmosphere that we strive to provide for every user. Please email community@digitalforms.ai if you have any more questions about community standards or enforcement. Your assistance enables us to maintain the integrity of our platform and guarantees that all parties have a satisfying experience.

Copyright Infringement Policy

At Digitalforms.ai, we value intellectual property rights and show respect for other people's artistic creations. Please report us as soon as possible if you think that any content on our platform violates your copyright. You can do so by sending a letter to Level 1, 73 Malop Street, Geelong, 3220, Australia, or by contacting our legal team at legal@digitalforms.ai. You need to notify them of the following:

  • The copyright owner or a representative with authority must sign with their physical or digital signature.
  • The exact location of the reportedly infringed copyrighted work, along with enough information to help us find it.
  • Your address, phone number, and email address are among your contact details.
  • A declaration expressing your sincere view that the copyright owner, its agent, or the law does not permit the use of the content in the way that has been complained about.
  • Under penalty of perjury, a declaration attesting to the veracity of the information in your notification and your authorisation to act on the owner of the copyright.

We will look into the matter as soon as we get a legitimate notice and, if required, remove the infringing content. Our goal is to keep the platform law-abiding and civil for every user.

User Profile Information

Authenticity and respect for personal identification are important to us at Digitalforms.ai. Select a screen name and email address for your user profile that accurately represent your individuality and integrity as a professional. Your information and rights are protected by our platform, which guarantees a personalised and secure experience. We respect intellectual property rights and forbid using names that are offensive or violate the rights of others. Maintaining the accuracy and currency of all profile information is crucial for enabling you to make the most of our cutting-edge solutions. To preserve the integrity of our community, Digitalforms.ai retains the right to suspend accounts with false or incomplete profile information. Together, let's rethink form management and cultivate a community based on trust and accountability.

Member Generated Content

We at Digitalforms.ai believe in the power of community involvement. The many viewpoints and thoughts that users from a variety of industries contribute on our platform are what make it grow. Your contributions influence our ecosystem, whether you're a developer incorporating form functionalities, an individual managing personal projects, or a corporation streamlining procedures. We cherish open communication and promote openness, making sure that every piece of content added adds to our body of knowledge. Through shared experiences, users are empowered by Digitalforms.ai to develop, contribute, and drive meaningful outcomes. Come explore the boundless potential of user-generated material to revolutionise form development, administration, and analysis globally by becoming a member of our community now.

Unauthorised Use

We at Digitalforms.ai are concerned about security. It is imperative that you notify us right once if you believe there has been a security breach, unauthorised access to your account, or compromised credentials. Early notice enables us to protect your data and account integrity by looking into the matter quickly and taking the appropriate action. We react to such occurrences quickly because we are committed to protecting your information. This helps to minimise inconvenience and preserves your trust in our platform. If you notice any suspicious behaviour or unauthorised usage of your Digitalforms.ai account, get in touch with our Support team right away. Our goal is to help you continue to have a dependable and safe experience with our services.


The minimum age requirement for using Digitalforms.ai is 13 years old. We make sure our platform is secure and appropriate for users who fulfil this age requirement, placing a high priority on accessibility and responsible digital engagement.


When it comes to providing a smooth experience for users in a variety of industries, Digitalforms.ai generally functions in English. The platform utilisation and user interaction are improved by our dedication to clear and effective English communication.


We at Digitalforms.ai are always changing to suit your demands. We maintain the right to make updates to our policies and platform to make sure they take into account user feedback and the most recent developments. As we develop together, any changes will be clearly shared with you and provide you more features and better functionality.